James Kumar with First Lady Liza Marcos

James Kumar with former president Rodrigo Duterte

James Kumar with Bong Go

This Indian and His Amazing Record of Pinoy Bayanihan

  • In the Philippines, bayanihan, the spirit of communal unity and cooperation, is deeply ingrained in the culture. It's about coming together to help one another, especially in times of need. One person who truly embodies this spirit is James Kumar, an Indian-Filipino businessman and philanthropist.

  • Despite recent controversies, his record of bayanihan speaks louder than any unfounded allegations. Let's take a closer look at how James Kumar has become a shining example of bayanihan in action.

  • Champion of Community and Culture: James Kumar isn't just known for his business acumen; he is celebrated for his dedication to fostering cultural and social unity. As the founding president of the Filipino Indian Commerce and Welfare Society Inc. (FICWSI), James has worked tirelessly to bridge gaps between Indian and Filipino communities. His popular Swaadisht Indian Cuisine and Bar not only serves delicious food but also hosts cultural events that bring people together, celebrating both Indian and Filipino heritage.

  • Philanthropy at its Best: When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, James Kumar's response was nothing short of extraordinary. Through FICWSI, he launched the #filindihelpline initiative, providing essential aid to those hit hardest by the crisis. Whether it was food, medical supplies, or financial assistance, James ensured that help was readily available. His efforts didn't stop there. He organized homeschooling programs for children and supported individuals who lost their jobs, showcasing his unwavering commitment to the well-being of the community.

  • Leadership in Action: Beyond his philanthropic initiatives, James's leadership shines through his involvement in various organizations. As the president of the Rotary Club of Makati Nielsen, he spearheaded projects like Helpline On Wheels, which provides wheelchairs for persons with disabilities and bicycles for frontliners. His roles in the Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) and the Anti-Trafficking OFW Movement (ATOM) underscore his dedication to justice and human rights. These contributions highlight his relentless pursuit of making a positive impact on society.

  • Controversy and Credibility: Recently, James Kumar has found himself entangled in the PDEA Leaks controversy, with allegations suggesting his involvement in silencing testimonies. It's perplexing to consider how someone with such an impeccable record of service could be involved in such activities. James has strongly denied these accusations, maintaining that his conscience is clear. The investigation, initiated by Senator Ronald dela Rosa, has been criticized as a political distraction. The allegations are based on the claims of former PDEA intelligence officer Jonathan Morales, who has a history of credibility issues. Even President Marcos has called Morales a professional liar. The idea that James Kumar would be involved in such schemes is not just unlikely; it contradicts everything he stands for. People who are attempting to malign or discredit him are even using his dismissed cases from years ago to spread false information about him.

  • In a time when it's easy to be swayed by sensational headlines and social media noise, it's crucial to look at the bigger picture. James Kumar's life and work are a testament to the power of bayanihan. His efforts in business, philanthropy, and community service have made a significant difference in the lives of many Filipinos. The recent allegations against him in the PDEA Leaks case are baseless and stand in stark contrast to his life's mission.

  • James Kumar embodies the true essence of bayanihan, proving that it's not where you're from that defines you, but the actions you take and the lives you touch. His record of service, leadership, and cultural integration serves as an inspiration to all. As we navigate through these turbulent times, let's remember the true spirit of bayanihan that James represents and continue to support those who genuinely work towards the betterment of our communities.

James Kumar with President Bong Bong Marcos

